數大便是美?Chicago Lawyer Files Motion Complaining About 'Large Breasted Woman' At Opponent's 賣屋Table A Chicago lawyer is being accused of sexism after requesting that a "large breasted woman" seated at 設計裝潢the opposing council's table be moved as to not distract the jury. Attorney Thomas Gooch, who is 個人信貸representing a Rolling Meadows car dealership in a small claims case, filed a motion last week asking Cook 永慶房屋County Circuit Judge Anita Rivkin-Carothers to order his opposing council's paralegal to sit in the 小型辦公室gallery with other spectators, according to the Associated Press. Gooch claims that the woman sitting next 燒烤to the plaintiff's lawyer has no legal experience and was placed there to "draw the attention of the 住商房屋jury away from the relevant proceedings."Jezebel obtained a copy of the filing: 芝加哥一律師被告性別歧視, 因房屋貸款他處理一箇汽車商的案子時他提出一箇訴求, 要求被告的律師助理(事業線超級大)出法庭,不要坐在被告的旁邊, 他的訴求中宜蘭民宿說這女人沒有任何法律訓練經驗, 坐在被告旁只是想吸引陪審團的眼光. 宜蘭民宿

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